We Train and Equip Leaders
to do Church and Event Production with Excellence!


Consulting/ Training Calls

We offer Online Production Consulting via Zoom, which means Support/ Training or scheduling an on-site visit to really dial in your production needs. Either way it’s personalized training on your own system.


Larger Products:
LED Video Wall

We developed these LED Video Boards to join together in 4x8ft sheets to form any size wall. The wall is a unique backdrop design for your stage that will transform the way you create experiences for your audience.

With over 65,000 Views, this ProPresenter 7 playlist will teach you what you need to know to get going with ProPresenter. New Videos since the Release of ProPresenter Version 17.

Weekly Videos | Youtube

Crazy Amazing Designs on YouTube is focused on helping YOU do Production with Excellence.
Below is a sample of the videos on ProPresenter, House Audio, and Lighting for LIVE Production.


Event Broadcast

LIVE Streaming events such as Commencement Ceremonies, or Weddings, or Concerts is a ton of fun and exciting to create value for those virtually attending the event. We are fully capable at Crazy Amazing Designs to make your LIVE Stream special. This HS Graduation from 2019 was captured to disk and Aired LIVE on the local News Station.

Vineyard Production

My two years as a volunteer and then staff at Vineyard Church was incredible, I’m still very involved with TheWay.Movement Young Adult Ministry. This is a video from my time there that gives you a glimpse of who the production team us, as we serve as a team alongside one another. This was life Pre-Covid, Online church is great but it changed everything for us as we really missed working as a team.


Social Media Minute

Fall of 2019 I started a show called Social Media Minute, I would collect the funniest memes from the web each week and create a video highlighting them. Here is a fun episode, and the playlist link to all 11.


Contact us.


Freelance Services


Video Production

Whether it’s LIVE broadcasting an event, or recording to stream/ post later. We can help with your project.


It’s not all about the 30 megapixel photo that makes an image, The operators framing and lighting is key.

Event Production

Did you know we Sell and Rent LED Board Walls for events? Reach out and lets talk about your events upcoming needs.